This dataset was constructed to support participants in the Netflix Prize. See
[Web Link] for details about the prize.
There are over 480,000 customers in the dataset, each identified by a unique integer id.
The title and release year for each movie is also provided. There are over 17,000 movies in the dataset, each identified by a unique integer id.
The dataset contains over 100 million ratings. The ratings were collected between October 1998 and December 2005 and reflect the distribution of all ratings received during this period. Each rating has a customer id, a movie id, the date of the rating, and the value of the rating.
As part of the original Netflix Prize a set of ratings was identified whose rating values were not provided in the original dataset. The object of the Prize was to accurately predict the ratings from this 'qualifying' set. These missing ratings are now available in the grand_prize.tar.gz dataset file.
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