Rotten Tomatoes movies and critic reviews dataset

(Leone, Stefano)
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Dataset Description:
In the movies dataset each record represents a movie available on Rotten Tomatoes, with the URL used for the scraping, movie tile, description, genres, duration, director, actors, users' ratings, and critics' ratings. In the critics dataset each record represents a critic review published on Rotten Tomatoes, with the URL used for the scraping, critic name, review publication, date, score, and content.
Rotten Tomatoes allows to compare the ratings given by regular users (audience score) and the ratings given/reviews provided by critics (tomatometer) who are certified members of various writing guilds or film critic-associations.The dataset is 0.23 GB large. It includes 17k+ movies and their related critic reviews scraped from Rotten Tomatoes as of October 31, 2020.  

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