season |
The season during which the match was played |
date |
The date of the match (YYYY-MM-DD) |
league_id |
A unique identifier for the league this match was played in |
league |
The name of the league this match was played in |
team1 |
The home team's name |
team2 |
The away team's name |
spi1 |
The home team's overall SPI rating before the match |
spi2 |
The away team's overall SPI rating before the match |
prob1 |
The probability of the home team winning the match |
prob2 |
The probability of the away team winning the match |
probtie |
The probability of match ending in a draw (if applicable) |
proj_score1 |
The number of goals we expected the home team to score |
proj_score2 |
The number of goals we expected the away team to score |
importance1 |
The importance of the match for the home team (0-100) |
importance2 |
The importance of the match for the away team (0-100) |
score1 |
The number of goals scored by the home team |
score2 |
The number of goals scored by the away team |
xg1 |
The number of expected goals created by the home team |
xg2 |
The number of expected goals created by the away team |
nsxg1 |
The number of non-shot expected goals created by the home team |
nsxg2 |
The number of non-shot expected goals created by the away team |
adj_score1 |
The number of goals scored by the home team, adjusted for game state |
adj_score2 |
The number of goals scored by the home team, adjusted for game state |
rank |
The team's current global ranking |
prev_rank |
The team's global ranking a week ago |
name |
The team's name |
league |
The league the team plays in |
off |
The team's offensive SPI rating |
def |
The team's defensive SPI rating |
spi |
The team's overall SPI rating |