Youtube social network and ground-truth communities
Youtube is a video-sharing web site that includes a social network. In the Youtube social network, users form friendship each other and users can create groups which other users can join. We consider such user-defined groups as ground-truth communities. This data is provided by Alan Mislove et al. We regard each connected component in a group as a separate ground-truth community. We remove the ground-truth communities which have less than 3 nodes. We also provide the top 5,000 communities with highest quality which are described in our paper. As for the network, we provide the largest connected component. The dataset contains 1,134,890 nodes and 2,987,624 edges.
Publication Date:
Yang, Jaewon; Leskovec, Jure
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2012
Stanford University
Custom License:
Useable for free, but We encourage you to cite our work if you have used our libraries, tools or datasets - @misc{snapnets, author = {Jure Leskovec and Andrej Krevl}, title = {{SNAP Datasets}: {Stanford} Large Network Dataset Collection}, howpublished = {url{}}, month = jun, year = 2014
Data Category:
Social Media and Online Reviews