business_id |
22 character unique string business id |
name |
The business's name |
address |
The full address of the business |
city |
The city where the business is |
state |
2 character state code, if applicable |
postal code |
The postal code of the business |
latitude |
Latitude of the reviewed business |
longitude |
Longitude of the reviewed business |
stars |
Star rating of the business, rounded to half-stars |
review_count |
Number of reviews of the business |
is_open |
0 or 1 for closed or open business, respectively |
attributes |
Business attributes to values, e.g., RestaurantsTakeOut and BusinessParking |
categories |
An array of strings of business categories, e.g, "Mexican", "Burgers", "Gastropubs" |
hours |
An object of key day to value hours, e.g., "Monday": "10:00-21:00" |
review_id |
22 character unique review id |
user_id |
22 character unique user id |
stars |
Star rating provided in a rating |
date |
Review date, formatted YYYY-MM-DD |
text |
The review itself |
useful |
Number of useful votes received |
funny |
Number of funny votes received |
cool |
Number of cool votes received |
name |
The user's first name |
review_count |
The number of reviews the user has written |
yelping_since |
When the user joined Yelp, formatted like YYYY-MM-DD |
friends |
An array of the user's friend as user_ids |
useful |
Number of useful votes sent by the user |
funny |
Number of funny votes sent by the user |
cool |
Number of cool votes sent by the user |
fans |
Number of fans the user has |
elite |
The years the user was elite |
average_stars |
Average rating of all reviews provided by a user |
compliment_hot |
Number of hot compliments received by the user |
compliment_more |
Number of more compliments received by the user |
compliment_profile |
Number of profile compliments received by the user |
compliment_cute |
Number of cute compliments received by the user |
compliment_list |
Number of list compliments received by the user |
compliment_note |
Number of note compliments received by the user |
compliment_plain |
Number of plain compliments received by the user |
compliment_cool |
Number of cool compliments received by the user |
compliment_funny |
Number of funny compliments received by the user |
compliment_writer |
Number of writer compliments received by the user |
compliment_photos |
Number of photo compliments received by the user |
date |
A comma-separated list of timestamps for each checkin, each with format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
text |
Text of the tip |
date |
When the tip was written, formatted like YYYY-MM-DD |
compliment_count |
How many compliments a tip has |
photo_id |
22 character unique photo id |
caption |
The photo caption, if any |
label |
The category the photo belongs to, if any, e.g., "food" |