Amazon question/answer data

McAuley, Julian; Yang, Alex
Publication Date:
Data Category:
E-Commerce and Consumer Behavior
Dataset Description:
This dataset contains Question and Answer data from Amazon, totaling around 1.4 million answered questions and around 4 million answers. This dataset can be combined with Amazon product review data (available here) by matching ASINs in the Q/A dataset with ASINs in the review data. 
Name Description
asin ID of the product, e.g. B000050B6Z
questionType type of question. Could be ‘yes/no’ or ‘open-ended’
answerType type of answer. Could be ‘Y’, ‘N’, or ‘?’ (if the polarity of the answer could not be predicted). Only present for yes/no questions.
answerTime raw answer timestamp
unixTime answer timestamp converted to unix time
question question text
answer answer text
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web
University of California, San Diego
766.0 kB
Custom License:
Please cite the following if you use the data: Modeling ambiguity, subjectivity, and diverging viewpoints in opinion question answering systems Mengting Wan, Julian McAuley International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2016 pdf Addressing complex and subjective product-related queries with customer reviews Julian McAuley, Alex Yang World Wide Web (WWW), 2016

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