Showing 9-16 of 39 results

Fact-Checking Facebook Politics Pages

Creators: Silverman Craig; Strapagiel, Lauren; Shaban, Hamza; Hall, Ellie; Singer-Vine, Jeremy
Publication Date: 2016

This repository contains the data and analysis for the BuzzFeed News article, “Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate,” published October 20, 2016.

Characterizing Online Discussion Using Coarse Discourse Sequences

Creators: Zhang, Amy; Culbertson, Brian; Paritosh, Praveen
Publication Date: 2017

In this work, we present a novel method for classifying comments in online discussions into a set of coarse discourse acts towards the goal of better understanding discussions at scale. To facilitate this study, we devise a categorization of coarse discourse acts designed to encompass general online discussion and allow for easy annotation by crowd workers. We collect and release a corpus of over 9,000 threads comprising over 100,000 comments manually annotated via paid crowdsourcing with discourse acts and randomly sampled from the site Reddit. Using our corpus, we demonstrate how the analysis of discourse acts can characterize different types of discussions, including discourse sequences such as Q&A pairs and chains of disagreement, as well as different communities. Finally, we conduct experiments to predict discourse acts using our corpus, finding that structured prediction models such as conditional random fields can achieve an F1 score of 75%. We also demonstrate how the broadening of discourse acts from simply question and answer to a richer set of categories can improve the recall performance of Q&A extraction.

Tracking Mastodon user numbers over time

Creators: Willison, Simon
Publication Date: 2022

Mastodon is definitely having a moment. User growth is skyrocketing as more and more people migrate over from Twitter. I’ve set up a new git scraper to track the number of registered user accounts on known Mastodon instances over time.

Stack Exchange Data

Creators: Stack Exchange Inc.
Publication Date: 2014

This is an anonymized dump of all user-contributed content on the Stack Exchange network. Each site is formatted as a separate archive consisting of XML files zipped via 7-zip using bzip2 compression. Each site archive includes Posts, Users, Votes, Comments, PostHistory and PostLinks.

3 Million Russian troll tweets

Creators: FiveThirtyEight; Warren, Patrick ;Linvill, Darren
Publication Date: 2018

This directory contains data on nearly 3 million tweets sent from Twitter handles connected to the Internet Research Agency, a Russian “troll factory” and a defendant in an indictment filed by the Justice Department in February 2018, as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. The tweets in this database were sent between February 2012 and May 2018, with the vast majority posted from 2015 through 2017.

Facebook Social Connectedness Index

Creators: Meta
Publication Date: 2021

We use an anonymized snapshot of all active Facebook users and their friendship networks to measure the intensity of connectedness between locations. The Social Connectedness Index (SCI) is a measure of the social connectedness between different geographies. Specifically, it measures the relative probability that two individuals across two locations are friends with each other on Facebook.

Third Eye Data: TV News Archive chyrons

Creators: TV News Archive
Publication Date: 2017

The TV News Archive’s Third Eye project captures the chyrons–or narrative text–that appear on the lower third of TV news screens and turns them into downloadable data and a Twitter feed for research, journalism, online tools, and other projects. At project launch (September 2017) we are collecting chyrons from BBC News, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC–more than four million collected over just two weeks.

Social Recommendation Data

Creators: Cai, Chenwei; He, Ruining; McAuley, Julian; Zhao, Tong; King, Irwin
Publication Date: 2017

These datasets include ratings as well as social (or trust) relationships between users. Data are from LibraryThing (a book review website) and epinions (general consumer reviews).

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