Showing 1-8 of 15 results

Crowdfunding datasets

Creators: Web Robots
Publication Date: 2016-03-01

This dataset consists of large-scale web scraping projects that provide publicly available datasets of e-commerce product listings, reviews, pricing, and other related data from various sources such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. These datasets are used for data mining, analysis, and machine learning applications, enabling users to explore trends in product performance, customer sentiment, and pricing strategies across multiple industries.

Stack Overflow Q&A

Creators: Stack Exchange
Publication Date: 2014-01-23

The Stack Exchange Data Dump is a quarterly, anonymized release of all user-contributed content from the Stack Exchange network, including posts, comments, votes, and user data, licensed under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0.

MLW Zettelmaterial

Creators: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BAdW)
Publication Date: 2023

General information:

The data set comprises a total of 114,653 images (18,9 GB), corresponding to 3,507 distinct lemmas.
All images are in RGB, but not uniform in size, i.e. height, and width differ from image to image.
Additionally, the information on the corresponding lemma is available for each image in a separate json file.


Most record cards follow the same structure being composed of three main parts.

  • The first one (1), and the one deemed most challenging, is the lemma, which is always located in the upper left corner of the record card.
  • The second part (2) is the index of the text where the lemma is found.
  • The third part (3) contains a text extract in which the word (corresponding to the lemma) occurs in context.

Character inventory:

There is a total of 17 different first letters, eight of which are each upper- and lowercase, as well as one special character.
The capitalization of a word plays a crucial role since a word’s meaning changes depending on capitalization.
Since the majority of our data stems from the S-series of the dictionary, most lemmas start with the letter “s”.
Likewise, a larger number of lemmas also starts with “m”, “v”, “t”, “u”, “l”, and “n”.

Occurrence frequencies:

  • A total of 2,420 lemmas (69%) were found to appear on ten record cards or less
  • 854 lemmas (24.4%) are present on between 10 and 100 record cards
  • 233 lemmas (6.6%)can be found on more than 100 record cards
  • 1,123 lemmas (approximately 36.7%) had only one record card


  • Lemma lengths range from one character up to a maximum of 19 characters.
  • The average length of the lemmas lies between five and six characters.


Research activity:

  • Koch, P., Nuñez, G. V., Arias, E. G., Heumann, C., Schöffel, M., Häberlin, A., & Aßenmacher, M. (2023). A tailored Handwritten-Text-Recognition System for Medieval Latin. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09368.

Crowdsourced air traffic data from The OpenSky Network 2020

Creators: Olive, Xavier; Strohmeier, Martin; Lübbe, Jannis
Publication Date: 2022

The data in this dataset is derived and cleaned from the full OpenSky dataset to illustrate the development of air traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic. It spans all flights seen by the network’s more than 2500 members since 1 January 2019. More data will be periodically included in the dataset until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S.-Mexico Border Surveillance Data

Creators: Electronic Frontier Foundaton (EFF)
Publication Date: 2024

This dataset includes the locations of Customs & Border Patrol surveillance towers, proposed tower locations, and automated license plate readers. There is an accompanying blog post and map.

AudioSet dataset

Creators: Google
Publication Date: 2017

AudioSet consists of an expanding ontology of 632 audio event classes and a collection of 2,084,320 human-labeled 10-second sound clips drawn from YouTube videos. The ontology is specified as a hierarchical graph of event categories, covering a wide range of human and animal sounds, musical instruments and genres, and common everyday environmental sounds.


Creators: Yemen Data Project
Publication Date: 2022

The dataset lists the date of incident, geographical location, type of target, target category and sub-category, and, where known, time of day. Each incident indicates a stated number of air raids, which in turn may comprise multiple air strikes. It is not possible to generate an average number of air strikes per air raid as these vary greatly, from a couple of airstrikes up to several dozen per air-raid. YDP’s dataset records the unverified numbers of individual air strikes that constitute a recorded single air raid.

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